Intentional Sharing
Thoughtful Creation
Active Learning
Join us for a weekend of communal learning. As we converge this year, we focus on learning from one another and sharing our gifts. We will observe and interact with one another and our environment.
As we converge we will create a temporary village. We will gather around the communal fire, share our experience, our food, our intention, our love of the Earth. We will face each other in a circle. All participants are welcome to join in building our village. Please register below to host a venue in the Village Center. You can set up anything you wish to share, the only limitation is your imagination. This will be a permanent setup for the duration of the event. As the weekend passes, most of the activities will take place in this Village Center, around the communal fire.
Examples of a village venue:
Do you have a permaculture business to share? Bring a shade structure, table, displays, education.
Do you have a passion on this planet? Bring some creation, some art, show us your expression.
Do you have knowledge to share? Bring a display, a mini library, activities for both adults and children.
Please be self-reliant. Bring anything you will need to maintain your venue, in any type of weather.
As we converge we will participate. We all have so much to share, knowledge, experience, crafts, intention, practice. Sharing is a gift.
All participants are encouraged to contribute a gift to the community. Please register below to record and share your gift in our convergence schedule for the weekend.
Again the only limitation is your imagination.
Examples of participation gifts: A workshop, a talk, lecture or presentation, an activity, a nature walk. A meal (for a few or many), drink, dessert. Plants, art, dance, activities. A special talent, costumes, a craft. Things for adults and children alike.
A gift is free. Please do not request payment or donations for your gift.
Mini-Grants: If the idea for your gift is big, and you need a little help making it happen, you can request a mini grant on the registration. Mini grants will be awarded case by case, and can range $20-$100. Grants will only be awarded if there are surplus funds (depending on ticket sales).
As we converge we will be self reliant. The land is an open canvas, ready for your expression. There are few amenities. The plan is to have everything take place outside. Please bring everything you will need to survive and thrive over the weekend. This should include food and drink, camping gear, clothing and footwear for all weather, shade, wind, rain and sun protection, cooking equipment (no open fires other than communal fire), plates, bowls, cutlery, chairs and tables. Please be mindful of your garbage. Pack it in, pack it out. There is no waste. We will be able to compost organic material, carbon and grey water.
There will be a permaculture installation happening over the weekend. Bring your favorite battle shovel.
Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share.
Bring food for you and yours, and maybe a little to share. There will be a communal potluck on the Friday evening. Please label your ingredients.
our facebook event has a special needs and yields forum- post there to give or receive support from our community...
“The philosophy behind permaculture is one of working with, rather than against, nature; of protracted and thoughtful observation rather than protracted and thoughtless action; of looking at systems in all their functions, rather than asking only one yield of them; and allowing systems to demonstrate their own evolutions.”
~ Bill Mollison
This year we will converge on a site that epitomizes community and a sharing economy. Greentree Village is populated by several local earth champions and companies who share land and resources. We are very grateful for the generosity of these groups to allow us to convene here. There are few amenities, and we will therefore have Porta-potties and a mobile dish wash station.
This venue also hosts a weekend market. Participants are invited to register for a space with this market for the weekend of the Permaculture Convergence. Please indicate this on your 'Contribute' registration form.